Hott off the Press Boutique

Whiskers & Fins Scholarship Catfish Tournament

Sale price Price $154.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

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All State and Federal rules will be observed. Contestants must have a valid fishing license on their persons. Fishing and boating licenses are the responsibility of team members.

No fish Caught before Tournament date will be used. If Found Cheating automatic DQ.

You can have line and hooks in water but no bait for Tournament before 6am Friday.

Fishing tournament boundaries are from Neches River South of Dam to I10 Bridge

Official weigh in station will be at Murphy`s Landing 365 Pr. Rd 8251 Evadale, Tx. 77615

Come By Boat or Land

Weigh in will end at 1:00 pm SHARP


Registration fee is $150.00 per team of 2

 2 person teams with at least one person 18 of age.

Up to 4 per team with $50.00 extra per person

Payout: 1st- 2nd-3rd-4th (3-Stringer)

Big Blue $TBA

Big Op $TBA

Heaviest Gar $TBA

 Heaviest Trash $TBA


Add on Spots $50.00 Big Op and $50.00 for Big Blue  (fish Can't  be in over all Stringer Must be by themselves).

Catfish species limited to Blue Cat, Channel Cat, or Flathead Cat. No other species of fish are allowed to be weighed in. Catfish must be in good shape, meaning that you can either release back into the river or is still suitable for eating.

Fish can be caught by rod and reel, limb line, pole line, trot line, more less any legal means of catching fish according to state and federal laws. No nets, telephoning, or dynamite : )

  • Catfish: Channel, Blue Daily Bag: 25 (in any combination - only 10 can be 20 inches or greater in length) Minimum Length: No Limit 
  • Catfish: Flathead Daily Bag: 5 Minimum Length: 18 inches

Good sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, and conservation are expected of all individuals and disorderly conduct will be a reason for disqualification if circumstances require. Decision of the Tournament Director will be final. Courtesy Distance between Fisherman & equipment 15yds                                                   
In case of a tie, the current place goes to the first fish weighed in.                                             

  Tournament locations are subject to change due to river or ramp conditions/weather conditions/etc. Notifications will be well in advance, and all updates can be found on the Evadale Neches River Facebook page.                                                                                                                                                      

  If caught cheating, you will be terminated indefinitely from all ENRC Tournaments! Any disqualification results in forfeiture of all entry fees!                                                                           
No guiding services allowed in the ENRC Tournaments.                                                                                             

 Any fish that wants to be donated we will be skinned  and fillet  for a catfish fish fry for a scholarship fundraiser to be determined. No fish will go to waste!!!                                                                                                                                        CONTACT: Tournament Director: Kellie Murphy


When Checking out with Website you will be charged a $4.00 fee to cover all fees and surcharges.